Sunday, September 21, 2008


hari ini Rengga pergi ke Medan..... for 2 weeks ya. hhh, padahal tadinya gue mau ajak jalan pas liburan wakwak, takdir berkata lain ya. Mau bilang apa, ya gue nunggu deh sampe orangnya pulang. gue juga nggak tau gimana dan kenapa, gue kangen sama Rengga to the max loh! Jauh dan lebih dari pada biasa nya, ck. Coba aja ya Rengga tau.

somehow i can't open my eyes easily without you
somehow i can't speak words i wanna say
somehow i can't move any muscle
somehow i can't think about anything clearly
somehow i can't breathe like usual
somehow i can't feel comfort
somehow i can't do anything i wanna do
when i finally find out
the reason is you
you're not here to wake me up
you're not here to teach me
you're not here to help me walk through life
you're not here to clear my brain
you're not here to be my air
you're not here to hold me
you're not here to be with me
Cepet pulang dong ya, aku tunggu abis itu kita jalan yaaa kayak kata sms kamu sayang. Love you you you Rengga

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