Friday, March 6, 2009

I'm officially Dimas's, since 6th and 7th of March

"Okay Mr. Tasning, so tell me why'd you said "It's You!"
"Okay Mrs. Tasning, because you're amazingly funny, i dunno i just feel comfortable with you, you're smart, you're pretty, blablabla" (ga bisa sebutin satu-satu nih, Dimas ngomongnya panjang)

HAHAHAHA jadi gini, pas pagi kemaren, i was just talking with my friends about i like Dimas, i love Dimas and blablabla i forgot. In the evening, someone told me about how did he feel. I'm really sorry, the reason why i can't be yours is Dimas. i'm sorry, very sorry. so if you read this, don't feel angry mad and don't avoid me. Just be my best friend. It was yesterday, 6th of March 060309. Dimas said he was confused stressed and what else dear? and i try to be the one who listen to him actually. i ask him to tell me what happened. And he just said "i'll tell you right before you go" yeah you know, i wanna go to Bali. and i was like "damn unfair, if you ask me to tell you something and when you start to moan, i always tell you what is the thing, right? just tell me what happen?" gilak nyuruh dimas cerita aja susah banget ampuuuun, gua sama Dimas debatnya pake bahasa Inggris loh hauhau, keren kaaan? Hmmm lanjut, terus Dimas said "okay okay, see, i like this girl...... (and i forgot what he said)" but he didn't tell me her name, cmon Dimas!!!! And he said "It starts with a Y and ends with a U" i really didn't understand and recognize that the Y--and--U it means Y-O-U!!! It means ME!!!! SEBELUMNYA, telfnya mati gitu terus dia cuma sms "It's you", gue bales gini "Call me, say it rite through my ear, out loud" hahaha aduh gue, terus gue pura pura bego aja terus gue bilang gue gatau itu siapa terus dia bilang "It's....yoou" tp you nya tuh kea bisik2, gue denger sih terus gue suruh dia bilang "i can't hear youuuu, louder please", "it's you", "louder", "it's you", hmmm i see i see, terus gue sok2 nanya "So why'd you said that "It's you"? what do you mean about It's You? and he answered yeah it's you. tp mesti tau yaa, kesel kemaren gue sama Dimas, gue blg "say the words", aku tau Dim kamu pasti tau maksut aku kemaren, haha gue blg aja what is your strongest reason? dia blg "because i..... love you" ou men, why'd it seems so hard to say i love you? gue ngintrogasi dimas selama 2 jam tentang alesan2 dia dan yang dia mesti tau tentang gue, dan yakin nggak dia sama gue. yang pasti kita bicara banyak ya sayang, sayang aja privacy IYEEEEAH. bring me to America ya

oiya serius nih ya gue suka waktu Dimas bilang salah 1 alesannya, dia bilang ya intinya gini: kadang gue suka buat jokes yang corny(jayus) but you still laugh at my jokes, it feels good.

terus Dimas bilang "so what are we now? you decide?"
i said "human or dancer? i wanna be a painter"
he said "i wanna be a singer or a basketball player"
i forgot what we talked about before but it lead us to the future, kita ngomong2 gitu "beberapa taun lagi kita bakal engaged abis itu 1 taun kemudian we'll get married. and we will have a son" gue kan yang kea "JUST A SON?", "no, no i mean, the first will be a son, the second will be a daughter", "JUST TWO?"(did you know gue pengen punya anak 4) haha. "SO? EIGHT?", "HAHAHA are you sure", he said "since i was a child, i wanna have 11 kids so i can make my own football team, the name is The Tasning's" mygoshhh Dim, masa cowo semua. haha sampe akhirnya kita mau punya 6 aja ya dim, sama yang twins. hm gue sih ngerasa kea anjing sama kucing nih punya anak 6 hauhaua. OKE done with this, Dimas nanya lagi "what are we now?" "choose, in Facebook, there are, Single, In a Relationship, In an Open Relationship, Engaged, Married, it's complicated. choose", he said "what is open relationship?" terus gue blg yaa kea HTS gitu deh Dim. and he answered "no, i don't want that kinda relationship i will still lose you then, since you're not my girlfriend, just a gonna-be-girlfriend" okay Dim, just say that words, it contains 5 words, it's the key and i'll tell you something", "do you know how hard it is?", "cmon, love needs sacrifice" "hahaha,okayokay" terus Dimas nya stuck terus I I I I. ergh and i said "okay if you say those 5 words, i'll say the same thing", "yeah, promise me", "PROMISE". after that, he finally said "I LOVE YOU SO MUCH" hahahahah puas aku dim, jujur ya dimas udah gue obrak-obrak gue tanyain semuanya terus gue suruh bilang i love you i love you blablablaa hahaha. gue bilang "okay, done" "say it, i don't wanna hear any other word, not any reason", debat debat debat terus dia bilang "see, how hard it is" i just laughed and i said "no, it is easy, i love you so much" hmm dari semua mantan gue keanya cuma dimas yang gue kerjain segininya. maaf ya sayang HAHA, jujur ya gue seneng aja gitu dipuji-puji disayang-sayang njieh Dimmyyyyy. abis itu dia tanya lagi "What are we now?" "you choose" "In........ a relationship" "Ahaaaa" "so it means yes?" Ahaaaa" "So it means yes? "What do you think? not what do you want" "In a Relationship" "okay" HAHAHA yaudah deh jadi kan ya Dim. yang jadi masalah gue sama Dimas risih tanggal nya, 639. 6 maret 09, 06 itu angkaaaa ya you know. terus yaudah gue bilang "do we have to wait until 7?" "okay" akhirnya gue sama Dimas nunggu aja sampe 00.00, kan kita otp ngobrol2 jadi kelewat deh. eh udah stengah 1 baru deeh:

D: yes udah jam 00. jadiaaan
J: ahaaa haahha
D: selamat ya net udah jadian sama Dimas
J: ha? iya apa? haahha iya deng sebenernya aku udh tau dr tadi dim
D: ya km siapa suruh ga ngomong


gue ketawa2 sama Dimas deh pokoknya, kita ngomon banyaaak banget. hm kalo tentang tanggal
sebenernya 6 maret jg bagus, 639---- 6+3=9 but we chose 7. WHY?
For God, 7 is a perfect number. 3 itself is a number of strength, and 9 is the highest number of luck.

okay end of discussion,
keanya gue banyak banget sepik sama Dimas di hp, but ya udahlah privacy ini. just keep it ours ya dim
loveyou Dimmyyyy

Dimas's and Mrs Tasning,

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