Sunday, March 29, 2009
hello dim
hello stupid, it's good to see you here next to me, and it's good to hear your voice echoing through my phone everyday and every night. actually, i don't know what to say, but i'm just trying to tell you something true mm. i love you dim, i love you...... to death? yeah guess so. i've a lot of things i wish i could say to you,but my lips freeze!!! just so you know, maybe sometimes i let you down by saying something rude or anything i shouldn't, well maybe i just can't find the right way to tell. yaa i hope you know what i mean. anyway thank you for being a lovely opening in my mornings and a nice closing in my nights. you know what? i miss you ,on. so much so bad ahhh that much, m-u-c-h. you're a nice man, and you're different, you're silly and you're the difference i've been searching for YEAH! i'm not that good, hhh wish i could find you another good one, but.... no just let me try my very best honey. there are a lot of things left to say, just let me keep it and someday i'll throw it out. my gosh! usually i'm hanging on the phone in this such of time..... i missssss you. oh i almost forgot, happy birthday for your grandma. hey i'm talking to myself and i'm talking alone, you're not gonna answer me -_- silly but...... ah never mind, i'm missing you too much, it makes me hungry and i'm craving for you on, byee call me mwah
and.... i'm so sorry if as long you're with me, we can't meet in a normal frequency like other couple bye
Another saturday--)
film nya mulai jam 10, gue dengan sabar nunggu dong, tapi gue main bentar abis itu pintu theater 1 dibuka dan gue masuk dan ada beberapa film yang coming soon yang mesti gue tonton
- Monsters vs Aliens -animation
- Lionscate
- Knowing
- The Secret of Moonacre
"Kalian cukup tau aja, kalau dunia seperti itu emang ada, dan cukup tau aja, oke!?"yoa bijak bener ya pa, kita diajak keliling ternyata buat belajar bahaha, gue sampe nanya2 gitu kapan gue boleh balik jam segini blablabla kata bokap dan nyokap, yaa kuliah lah tp harus dianterin pulang balik sama rumah ngahaha shit, yaudah ya dim, 4 taun lagi kok. hm SMA gue juga haru mendunia dong males banget gue kea anak SMP jam 8 udah di bel "Kamu dimana? Sama siapa? sekarang sedang apa?" iyeh miss band. oiya udah gitu lo mesti tau adek gue yang kecil sok abis, dia blg gini sampe rumah:"Mbak kemaren kita ke Taman Lawang terus banyak banci, nah jalur sebelahnya itu perempuan nakal" (Jos, emang lu tau apa artinya?hahah)
yaudah ah capek nih gue cerita mulu lagi nggak ada inspirasi yang bawel lagi nggak nelfon gue nih ah gak seru lo din!!! Aladdin din udin kamu dimana
Friday, March 27, 2009
Thursday's best buy
Aladdin: dms
Jasmine: me
ahaha okay2, but i love this pict anyway
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Sabtu kemaren
Gue ke Mc Donald sekbil buat nunggu Pedro Ezra Riri gitu ya, mereka dr rumah Anitha hm dari situ Ezra sama Riri bakal ke rumah Riri abis itu gue nemenin Pedro ke rumah nya buat dia mandi dang anti baju. Gue nunggu dari jam 1, harusnya sih jam 1.30, pas gue di Mcd gue kan ketemu sama Kak Dillon nyahah pertama nya liat-liatan kok keanya taaau ya tapi siapa masalah nya, ehh gatau nya ada Iqbal HI nyamperin kak Dillon say hi gitu yaudah abis itu Iqbal duduk sama gue, dia blg deh itu Dillon wkwk, terus gue sapa kan ya sekalian mau nyamperin Faqi, gue minta di temenin Faqi duduk, gue gak ada temen abisnya nunggu 1 jam hhhh, gue ngobrol dan biasa lah nostalgia jaman dulu gue sering banget tuh main sama Faqi Iqbal. Abis itu Pedro Riri Ezra dan Anitha dating sodara2, ya gitu lah Faqi Iqbal abis itu balik eh pergi ke pim deng ye dadah. Terus gue naik ojek berdua sama Pedro bareng abang ojek ngahaha. Ezra Riri ke rumah riri sementara Anitha balik. Yaudah deh kan abis itu gue sama Pedro pesen taxi men, depannya B belakang nya D, ya tau lah apa yang ada burung2nya itu. Eh nyet, jam 4 kan berangkat ga macet kok, tapi NAUJUBILEH gue sama pedro panic argo nya kea asu lari naiknya cepet banget br berapa detik masa naik nya 300 perak apa 600, udah gitu kita ujungnya mesti bayar 60ribu!!!! Padahal Cuma sekbil sampe pim pake tol pula, masa segitu emang gila banget ya tuh supir sialan, eeh kembaliannya dia kurangin lagi, yaah lo pikir gue sm pedro bego apa, kita ngitung deeh. Akhirnya setelah gue muter2 pim sama pedro, baru deh gue ke 21 buat ketemu Verristie dan juga ada Aka Tami, terus ada kakak gue jg tuh si P ngakakaka. Dari situ gue sm pedro nunggu riri ezra dan tisha begitu mereka dateng terus kita keliling keliling dan kelaperan hmmm eh si dimas dateng, yaudah deh gue mencar, sebelum nya sih gue pdr tisha ezra riri ngegaul di dpn spz bahaha serasa yg punya pim gitu ngobrol seenaknya menuin jalan, ya abis itu ketemu tiwi syela ke kansup kan, abis si dimas diem aja kea sariawan, disusul deh sm aga sama dimas kan gue sama tiwi dll ke bawah, yaudah dec gitu terus bareng lah gue sama dimas tiwi ada wine dan talitha hiyaha, yaudah deh gitu sampe setengah 10 ada maya dateng, dan gue kan gakpapa ya pulang sendiri abis ciput br dtg mau pacaran sama maya masa gue pisah,eh maya mau nemenin gue yaudah okay gue ninggalin dimas di pim terus maya jg ninggalin ciput, huaaa i ruin my own and her loveday -_-
Friday, March 20, 2009
Words of the day
Don't let something ruin your very best moment, keep it save and don't let go. You don't know when regret will comes to hurt and fill you with remember-whens. First thing firsts, make the one right beside you feel happy and you will smile suddenly when they smile, guess what, i don't really like to let my all down, just do like what i write :ddd
thank you, D.
Thursday, March 19, 2009
by: Tia Janet Vera and Adji!
we hope for something good, and a welcoming day of our invention, okay it's a lil bit green to the environtment.
hm, if the items are out, hope you'll like it, we are striving to get ideas and the goods. we also think hard for the future and the after-start, pray and pray and wait, hoping our things will knock your mind out.cushion <333
And if i just can't let go
i can't let it go
we all know if there's a start, there will be an end. promise me we won't, i'm sorry for last night,i made you feel worry.loveyou
Pathetic faces
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Words of the day
If i were you, i would have been killed, it hurts"
Words of the day
"Don't regret about the past
because your life won't give you another story to last"-Janet Abigail
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Inspired by Nguping Jakarta
Guru: "Close the dooo"
Siswa: "Hah?"
Guru: "Kan R nya gak dibaca"
Doo means door but it was silly. Gue kea mau jd guru bhs Inggris dah
2. Berry Addict!
Guru: "You have BlackBerry? I have strawberry!"
Siswa: (diem, gak berkomentar, meringis dalem hati)
Mau saya beliin BlackBerry Pak?!?!
3. Isaacers
Guru: "Tau gak? Ada yg lain selain Isaac Newton?"
Siswa: "Apa?"
Guru: "Isaac Tangis (baca: isak tangis)
Nangisin pak guru yoook
4. Tekanan Prizer
Guru: "It is pressure (beliau baca: prizer)
Siswa: "Oh saya nyimpen es krim di prizer hahahah"
Guru: "Itu mah orang sunda haha, freezer tauk"
Gilak gua serasa belajar Sundanese-English
5. Pelukan Lain
Gue: "Ayu, peluk gue dulu"
(Narik tangan Ayu buat meluk gue)
REAKSI KIMIA: Oiya tadi malem gua baru aja nikah, udah punya suami, gue sm lo ga mukhrim
Gue: "Jangan bilang suami ku" (dengan nada sexy)
Ketawa lah
6. Bakar saja dia
Ada gambar terbakar di Pesona Fisika
Guru: "Itu terbakar, bukan motor tebakar"
Baiklah kawan ayo bakar dia
Saturday, March 14, 2009
Thursday, March 12, 2009
On the way to Jakarta
"giddy up! gua otw Jakarta dr Bali sama rombongan sekolah!!! akhirnya homesick gua agak terobati men, iyeah sm mama bolo-bolo, papa bolo-bolo and sisters bolo-bola, eh ada yang kelupaan nih but siapa ya........ ahaha gak deng inget banget malahan itu tuh yang ngocol bawel sotoy ngeyel udah gitu ngeselin oon bodoh tukang ngambek juga lagi tapi hm gitu-gitu ngangenin deh suaranya sama ngocol itu loh masya-rakat!!! okay dimas you're my addiction! hm gua skrg lg dengerin lagunya SLANK yang TERLALU MANIS buahaha jadi inget masa lu pdkt sm gua dim, ehem ada yang nyanyi gitu di telfon malem2 pas gue lg sakit, pake gitar lagi.............lebih oke dr "singer" gue yg dulu deh ya kamu. gila nih pagi-pagi buta gitu cing, jam 3pagi hmm gue kebangun dan langsung sms dimas, abisnya sih td mlm miscall gua 8x, mana bs gua angkat, hp di charge di dpn hahaha, andaikan aku mr.elastic dzt apseeeh. oh iya gua lg merasa mentereng nih,kata gusdi diantara semua anak, i mean kita ber6. cuma gua sm bryan yg ga ngorok ngakakakakaka, gelap-gelap gini gua inget apa yaaaa hm hm hm gainget apa-apa nih, uouo. ah gilak nih ya kalo gua bilang gua ga tau mau blg apa lagi, gua ngemengnya dimas mulu ye hm abisan kangeeen sih,yaudah juga sih gausah seneng gitu dim huahaha. oiya mesti tau ya gua belanja di bali serasa orang kaya bgt duit titipan mak ama babe gua abisin dengan napsu bejat gua yang ON waktu ngeliat barang2 yg kyut kyut kea gue gitu bahhh enek juga gua. 500rb gua abisin tanpa rasa malu yang membabi buta,gua beliin deh apa yang nyangkut di hati zzz. begitu duit gua abis dan gua ga bs beli Yupi, gua ngorek kantong (apa ini keras2?kertas apa? duit? 50K? wow. 100K? yeah. taunya!?! 2K! Shit, gua kangen dah banget sama Jakarta Friends, huaa apalagi yang ngocol-ngocol rasanya pengen banget bisa gua tindas lagi,seandainya bisa ambil gampang dah, tinggal kirim rudal gitu gue, ahih serasa setrong nih gue,tp iya kok KATA dimas -,- hahahaha, gua lg ngelewatin apa nih yak gatau deh udah dimana,serasa bolang Jakarta gt gue. gua juga keanya bakal kangen bgt sm Bali, kmrn September gua ke Bali gue masih sama 30, sekarang gue sama.......piiiiiiip,emang elu apa?Hahah iya deng dim. hhhh gilak ya gua otw malah ngomongin lo ya dim, taudah gangerti sensor gua agak selek berarti nih. oh iyaaaa gua kangen sama adek-adek gue!! yang tukang ngambek,mata busuk a.k.a tukang tidur, dan kepala telor, sama yang bulet, bawel, soktau! beh ga ada mereka,ga ada yang bisa gua ganggu dan gua buat kesel,gue yakin tuh adek2 gue pasti kangen sama kecentilan dan keganasan gue kalo tidur sama mereka hahaha sabar ya gua otw pulang nih bawa oleh-oleh buat lo berdua. gue juga kangen sama suasana sekolah SMP 3 DENPASAR! gilak, nih sekolah, kelas 8A, persis banget sm kelas anak Jakarta, ribut rusuh jayus tapi kocak, i'll miss you class. keanya dr td gua ngomong kangen-kangen mulu ya? yaudah sih blog-blog gue serah kali ya, hm apaya apaya gua ga bs tdr nih udah stgh 4, tp skrg mau nyoba tdr hehe, bye bloggy :p
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
My Future Lists:
- I'll succeed and be a rich woman yet independent and i'll make my family live loaded
- I'll make a clothing line named ****, and i'll design the style
- I'll be a housewife :)
PS: i hope i'll be your wife ya Dim :pp like you told me before i'll be Mrs. Tasning, we'll live in our own island. You'll be a singer or somethin else i forgot and i'll be a good mother for our kids, we'll have 6kids like we've planned, boy girl boy girl and twins! Or maybe 11 -,- hm i'll be your lovely wife i'll serve you coffee and toasted bread in the morning and for the lunch and dinner, give it to our nannies haha, i'll kiss you before you go, everywhere you go i mean! i'll hug you when sleeping while whispering i love you and we'll keep doing better after 50years and more even if we're grey! we'll go to America like we've planned also, we'll live together!!! i'll be there when you're sick and i'll lay beside you and be there for you, you don't have to worry about a thing. we'll tell our kids about fairy tale and about our past, we'll help them to finish homeworks and hang out with them. hhh, i'll be the most happiest female ever, AMEND. Let's pray for our next months and future honey, loveyou
- Design buildings
- Buy my parents a new house completed with pool and big park
- Visit Russia
- Married (with Dimas Tasning)
- Buy own car
- Visit New York Fashion Week
- I'll design Dimas's private music studio
- I'll enroll my kids in the best school ever
- I'll make my WHOLE family happy
Read this God :)
I'll pray and always pray for this
Help me to reach these things, Thankyou God, Amend.
Friday, March 6, 2009
Hizkia Trijendra Putra Tasning
yeah kl disini gua sepiknya bisa bebas nih hahaha, hm gua kok kea ngerasa gimana gitu yaa smg aja bakal baik2 aja gua takut dia nya ga tahan gt deh gua kan anak susah bebas, pny tmn cowo dtg k rmh,deket dsb aja dimasalahin. gimana kl jadian, behh yudah deh kl bukan gr2 lo dim ga bakal nih gua ngibul-ngibul. maaf ya kalo aku nya susah
ini gua ngepost lagi beda hari,skrg tgl 9 maret 2009. gua skrg lg di GRESIK haha jd inget grexy grepy sexy a.k.a gua sm taqia dh buahahaha. Hmmm gua lg otw mau ke Bali,gua tidur ayam di bis ngobrol dll. Gua pasti bakal ngepost kok gua di bali ngepain aja hehehe;p tadi malem pas jam 9,gua keinget deh biasanya jam segitu gua lg otp dimas, tp td mlm engga. pas dimdim nelfon eh hp gua malah mati,gilaaa apes banget deh yaoloh. kangen nih asu. ga ada yang ngelawak ngocol kea dimdim,mesti gua tahan utk beberapa hari ke depan. gua cm mau bilang, i miss my family friends and dimas so bad, i'm feeling homesick
additional (9/3/9) @nite:
I miss Dimas:'(
His voice is my burden.
being apart with my Arabian clown is such a nightmare, it's hard, and i can't bear it for more =,= i'm bored without him, i'm feeling empty. aaah, i was hanging on the phone with him last hours ago,and he's funny yet sweet, being apart with him separate by sea, island to island.......... i miss you so much,you fool!?! it's cold and we're passing the road, we're up in a hill. and um it's night and i miss Dimas pokoknya ah. au ah bosen gua,loveyou sweetheart
I'm officially Dimas's, since 6th and 7th of March
"Okay Mr. Tasning, so tell me why'd you said "It's You!"
"Okay Mrs. Tasning, because you're amazingly funny, i dunno i just feel comfortable with you, you're smart, you're pretty, blablabla" (ga bisa sebutin satu-satu nih, Dimas ngomongnya panjang)
HAHAHAHA jadi gini, pas pagi kemaren, i was just talking with my friends about i like Dimas, i love Dimas and blablabla i forgot. In the evening, someone told me about how did he feel. I'm really sorry, the reason why i can't be yours is Dimas. i'm sorry, very sorry. so if you read this, don't feel angry mad and don't avoid me. Just be my best friend. It was yesterday, 6th of March 060309. Dimas said he was confused stressed and what else dear? and i try to be the one who listen to him actually. i ask him to tell me what happened. And he just said "i'll tell you right before you go" yeah you know, i wanna go to Bali. and i was like "damn unfair, if you ask me to tell you something and when you start to moan, i always tell you what is the thing, right? just tell me what happen?" gilak nyuruh dimas cerita aja susah banget ampuuuun, gua sama Dimas debatnya pake bahasa Inggris loh hauhau, keren kaaan? Hmmm lanjut, terus Dimas said "okay okay, see, i like this girl...... (and i forgot what he said)" but he didn't tell me her name, cmon Dimas!!!! And he said "It starts with a Y and ends with a U" i really didn't understand and recognize that the Y--and--U it means Y-O-U!!! It means ME!!!! SEBELUMNYA, telfnya mati gitu terus dia cuma sms "It's you", gue bales gini "Call me, say it rite through my ear, out loud" hahaha aduh gue, terus gue pura pura bego aja terus gue bilang gue gatau itu siapa terus dia bilang "It's....yoou" tp you nya tuh kea bisik2, gue denger sih terus gue suruh dia bilang "i can't hear youuuu, louder please", "it's you", "louder", "it's you", hmmm i see i see, terus gue sok2 nanya "So why'd you said that "It's you"? what do you mean about It's You? and he answered yeah it's you. tp mesti tau yaa, kesel kemaren gue sama Dimas, gue blg "say the words", aku tau Dim kamu pasti tau maksut aku kemaren, haha gue blg aja what is your strongest reason? dia blg "because i..... love you" ou men, why'd it seems so hard to say i love you? gue ngintrogasi dimas selama 2 jam tentang alesan2 dia dan yang dia mesti tau tentang gue, dan yakin nggak dia sama gue. yang pasti kita bicara banyak ya sayang, sayang aja privacy IYEEEEAH. bring me to America ya
oiya serius nih ya gue suka waktu Dimas bilang salah 1 alesannya, dia bilang ya intinya gini: kadang gue suka buat jokes yang corny(jayus) but you still laugh at my jokes, it feels good.
terus Dimas bilang "so what are we now? you decide?"
i said "human or dancer? i wanna be a painter"
he said "i wanna be a singer or a basketball player"
i forgot what we talked about before but it lead us to the future, kita ngomong2 gitu "beberapa taun lagi kita bakal engaged abis itu 1 taun kemudian we'll get married. and we will have a son" gue kan yang kea "JUST A SON?", "no, no i mean, the first will be a son, the second will be a daughter", "JUST TWO?"(did you know gue pengen punya anak 4) haha. "SO? EIGHT?", "HAHAHA are you sure", he said "since i was a child, i wanna have 11 kids so i can make my own football team, the name is The Tasning's" mygoshhh Dim, masa cowo semua. haha sampe akhirnya kita mau punya 6 aja ya dim, sama yang twins. hm gue sih ngerasa kea anjing sama kucing nih punya anak 6 hauhaua. OKE done with this, Dimas nanya lagi "what are we now?" "choose, in Facebook, there are, Single, In a Relationship, In an Open Relationship, Engaged, Married, it's complicated. choose", he said "what is open relationship?" terus gue blg yaa kea HTS gitu deh Dim. and he answered "no, i don't want that kinda relationship i will still lose you then, since you're not my girlfriend, just a gonna-be-girlfriend" okay Dim, just say that words, it contains 5 words, it's the key and i'll tell you something", "do you know how hard it is?", "cmon, love needs sacrifice" "hahaha,okayokay" terus Dimas nya stuck terus I I I I. ergh and i said "okay if you say those 5 words, i'll say the same thing", "yeah, promise me", "PROMISE". after that, he finally said "I LOVE YOU SO MUCH" hahahahah puas aku dim, jujur ya dimas udah gue obrak-obrak gue tanyain semuanya terus gue suruh bilang i love you i love you blablablaa hahaha. gue bilang "okay, done" "say it, i don't wanna hear any other word, not any reason", debat debat debat terus dia bilang "see, how hard it is" i just laughed and i said "no, it is easy, i love you so much" hmm dari semua mantan gue keanya cuma dimas yang gue kerjain segininya. maaf ya sayang HAHA, jujur ya gue seneng aja gitu dipuji-puji disayang-sayang njieh Dimmyyyyy. abis itu dia tanya lagi "What are we now?" "you choose" "In........ a relationship" "Ahaaaa" "so it means yes?" Ahaaaa" "So it means yes? "What do you think? not what do you want" "In a Relationship" "okay" HAHAHA yaudah deh jadi kan ya Dim. yang jadi masalah gue sama Dimas risih tanggal nya, 639. 6 maret 09, 06 itu angkaaaa ya you know. terus yaudah gue bilang "do we have to wait until 7?" "okay" akhirnya gue sama Dimas nunggu aja sampe 00.00, kan kita otp ngobrol2 jadi kelewat deh. eh udah stengah 1 baru deeh:
D: yes udah jam 00. jadiaaan
J: ahaaa haahha
D: selamat ya net udah jadian sama Dimas
J: ha? iya apa? haahha iya deng sebenernya aku udh tau dr tadi dim
D: ya km siapa suruh ga ngomong
gue ketawa2 sama Dimas deh pokoknya, kita ngomon banyaaak banget. hm kalo tentang tanggal
sebenernya 6 maret jg bagus, 639---- 6+3=9 but we chose 7. WHY?
For God, 7 is a perfect number. 3 itself is a number of strength, and 9 is the highest number of luck.
okay end of discussion,
keanya gue banyak banget sepik sama Dimas di hp, but ya udahlah privacy ini. just keep it ours ya dim
loveyou Dimmyyyy
Thursday, March 5, 2009
um, i don't know why, i don't want to go to bali for 5 days!!! it's a long time. okay guys i'm gonna miss you all guys. hm okay dim, you too. HAHAHA, yeah i mean i'm already comfortable of your phone call at night -_-
I’m totally bored and listening to kilms. HAUAHUA what should I post? It’s getting empty in here, okay okay maybe this one. Before I’ll go to Bali for 5DAYS a long days for me, oh myyyy!!! I’m thinking about my friends, will they miss me? Hm hope so. I’ll miss their deeds :p
1) Tia I’ll go to Bali, haha take care yaa esp. si Vera. When I get back to Jakarta I’ll report to you soon yah ahaha I’ll miss you and vera ya. And also Ayu the hot cat and the faker, ya of course you know who, ti. Don’t forget to mess around the class ya Ti. Go taste the wild okay okay? Don’t forget to call me also. Keep my girls in the zone, okay? I mean such as sye tiwi dll.
2) Marsha, after our last chat, do you know that I feel sad? I don’t wanna hear any single alphabet about you’re going to move, okay? We’re still best friend, right? Just so you know Mar, sometimes I regret about what happened between us. Hm and I miss you so much, do you still remember about that time? Especially when we went to Ancol? If you read this one Mar, don’t pretend that you don’t miss me :p we have our own minus Mar, but maybe if we both stand side by side, it will be perfect! I’m sorry if sometimes I was bad or maybe I am still bad and not so friendly with you, it’s just a matter of time. Maybe there’s problem between, but it must not create any space, am I right? We’ll keep doing better Mar, I promise someday we’ll be like yesterday. If you move to USA, we’ll meet again Mar, maybe when I’m 23 or argh I don’t know, we’ll meet. Like we knew, sisters won’t be apart
3) Maya, I’ll miss you ya and also Tasha too. I wanna hang out with you both again, and we’ll share stories again in taxi, okay guys? We’ll tell our stories again. Hm, and we’ll talk about boys and laugh at them. HAHA it will be fun surely. I’m gonna miss your voice when both of you say this word “Aaaaah” hahaha, okay enough net. Take care in Jakarta, and when I come back? Just hug me ;pppp cmon guys I’m outta Jakarta for 5 days. It’s hard, I love Jakarta and the friends. Bali’s not too interesting, I’ve friends here, so sunset won’t take your part. Oiya my, can you keep that “something-you-know” save and keep your eyes on it. And so I don’t have to worry about a thing
4) And….. Dimas I write your name, is it okay? First, thanks for being so nice ya and sorry but I really have to visit Bali this time. Thanks for saying “Janet jangan pergi”, it made me believe you’re my first biggest fan. I know you’ll miss my voice at your nights dim. I know you’ll miss the part when I admit I am your biggest fan, I like you, I love you, okay okay it’s all about HOLICS. And when you said I’m ugly talkative moody silly and foolish and what ever you’ve said before, okay I don’t care hahaha. When you pretended to be angry mad and etc, I’ll miss your naughty deeds hm like when you made me scared to death, and you know what? You slept when we were hanging on the phone last night, I thought you must be tired, I’ve told youuuu. And don’t forget about your promise, don’t smoke don’t drink and what else? Don’t do anything bad and risking yourself. I know I’m sooo kind dim. And if you’re lonesome take your guitar and just sing like I often asked. Take care and God bless.
Where is the love?
“Can you see me smiling when I sing this song?”
“You know I was dying when you told me I’m not yours anymore”
“And when she said that she really loves me”
-this sentences are taken from my favorite song (for now)
I can’t tell you what I feel. I can’t tell you one by one and step to step. It seems like yesterday my days were full of torment. But today, oh gosh, I can’t say anything to describe what it feels. I’m happy but yet confused about this thing. Well actually I’m not giving in. If in days forward I haven’t tell you I love you. I bet you’ve realized. I miss you I love you I miss you I love you, what else? I’ll be there with you somehow no matter what and just to be your very close one. I can’t see what will happen ahead. Maybe I’m facing the truth about what I have to believe and what I have to tell you soon. Sometimes, I dream about watching the dawn faces the sky with you. I always pray for our tale. Do you think we’ll survive? Or end up like something we never wish we did. What I’m trying to say is…. Bloggy, when you’re deeply in love, love will just make you confused, but when the truth comes up, love will just make you understand about the truth. It’s not obvious to see. I’m trying to say that I hardly tell my crush about my feeling and I never think about letting my crush to know about this silly unimportant thing. Do I have to keep it alone? Or maybe just share it with someone I don’t love too much. Like when I feel the world is too hard to understand and world gives you several options you don’t really understand and options you don’t care about and options that hardly appear and hard to do it. I have to choose whether to stay or go.
Because the day asks me to stay, and the night asks me to sleep. The sun burns my dream but the moon still whispering about my past. The dark shows beauty and fill it all with pain.
The sea tells that love is on the way, but my heart tells one name I should pick. If the sky draws a face I really like to stare, maybe It’s yours. Yeah you, the one who read it and really the one. If you really know, let me hear your joke, can you just joke that you like me also and love me also? I never smiled easily after that tragedy but you, you make me smile with no anger and I’m not faking here. I’m fucking serious about this. I’m not joking, and I don’t ask any body here. I’m looking forward to my future. When will my lovelife comes better. I don’t have reasons to tell you all. JUST don’t want that thing happen again for many times. i don’t want to cry and beg for love. I don’t want any pity even if I’m shitty and please make it easy for me. Look into my eyes right now, or yeah when will we meet? my eyes will tell you what is it and I’ll just shut my mouth tight and let you find out. It’s like I’m dying just to give it another try, what I wanna say and what I wanna hear. This night it’s cold enough to freeze my blood. And I don’t see stars and moon, I’m lying on my bed and typing this confession. My mouth can’t bear my tongue keep saying and talking about this endless stuff. I’m contented of thoughts and damn confused. I dream about blablabla. But I seems so far from that story.
<3, Janet Abigail
You f*cked up my time, damn
Hm..... Can i just say that i'm too much, i guess i'm just so into you. I don't know what to say and what to type. Maybe just the matter i can't show. I'm feeling comfortable with fucking my time to talk and wait.
But also waiting to catch up with something i lost yesterday. Will it retrieve my own perspective about lovelife? My mind keeps telling the past to me,it makes me feel dying to feel what is running out. Sometimes when you don't know the reason, just stay like that, you'd better stay inside your home because you don't what life could bring
Because what is the main aim? Like i told you, i've felt that love comes out with my fear. I don't have the strength to say i love you f*cking crazy. I love everything related to you and everything that lead me to you
My past is so painful between afterlife and my today's life. I have to strive to reach what i want. Shall i take the very last chance to say then just say goodbye and pretend i never came to meet you
Just If only i can tell
your voice and your laughter bring my tale to life
if only i can tell how much it is
then when you read this unbroken truth
don't tell me anything, even just a word spoken from your sweet lips
i see love comes out with my fear
i see your smile for my very last chance
just to ease
just to say goodbye
this night i'll tell you somehow
i just don't know how
i know you will keep me save
but maybe the words are too annoying
but maybe it's just to hard to let go someone you love most
but maybe i'm too scared to say
will you be with me until the dawn give me their first light?
will you hold me tight?
am i too selfish if i just want you at all
and when you finally know
i'm waiting for your call
if it hurts a lot
just don't ever tell me what's going on
cause you will never understand what it is
and you just can't see what i mean
like you are blinded
i want to ask
have you ever feel that you were the one?
like how i feel here beside you
you really know the reason why i'm dying
i just can't say the words
it hurts and to hard
i don't know why
am i too shy?
or i'm letting my heart to die?
every night
i remember everything
i tell myself that sometimes hopes don't come to help
if i were about to say
i love you
so would you really understand?
i know how falling hurts
do you know what is my cure?
maybe your voice, maybe you
and when you read this
just open up your eyes and stay awake for me
and wake me up if i sleep
i don't want to miss anything
and when you find out and hold it
don't stop staring at my eyes
just kiss me and i will know what is your answer
just don't let me go
PS: am i too scared? yes, okay, i'm taking a deep breathe bloggy! my friend said maybe he will hurts me, even when he says he really loves me Tas? i hope not. i'm deadly in love Tas, how can i get out just to breathe and taking answer? i'm spending my time talking and laughing, i don't think forgetting is easy. i can't move it Tas. do i have to leave or maybe i'll just stay to see the final result?
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
She's bored and displaying this trash
IYEH since i was bored, i post this pict, iDescribe of mine -_-





i was hanging on the phone with kak nadira last mnute ago and finally she knows that.............. I huaaaaa:( sorry kaaaak! hm, in 7 pm i have to go to my english course hhhh i'm tired of everydays! in 8 march i'll go to bali with my teachers and many friends, to visit another students :pp
Their Words <33
1) Sabar ya net, coba aja dulu
2) R....... anjing
3) Iya tuh sekarang dia sok sibuk
4) Gue masih............
From Tia:
1) Iyeah primadona _ _
2) jadinya 5, 14 apa 25 nih?
3) her bday greet :pp
From Vera:
1) ya coba aja pasti keterima
2) aduuuh bukan gitu........
3) pj nya berapa nih?
4) gue tau gue lemah huhuh
From Irma:
1) muuuah
2) makasih ya net udah bantuin
3) aduh nyokap gue marah banget
From Eja:
1) hm tahan banting juga ya lo
2) eh hadiah ini gue kasih secara simbolis net, ada artinya
yoi artinya lo tahan banting -_-
3) aduh kalo gue keterima UI, apa aja deh lo boleh minta
From Ex-es:
1) janet, gue sayang sama lo, gua minta jgn sakitin gue lagi net, ini aja udah sakit bgt net, gue nyesel.... blabla
2) sayaang, kamu janji ya sama aku km ga bakal tinggalin aku?
3) Janet sebenernya gue mau blg tadi tp gue ga bs ke 11, lo mau jd cewe gue ga?
4) Aku ga bakal nyakitin km net, ga bakal ninggalin km ato lepasin km, km jg jgn tinggalin aku ya net, pokoknya syg aku ke kamu infiniti
From open-relationship:
1)zz woo ga dicium haha ngarep
2) kamu masih nungguin aku gak net?
3) serius kangen? haha awaw, yaa jangan terbng dong, masa aku di tinggal km deh sayang? hahah, sama apanya hayoo? hahaha
4) coba aja lo ada disamping gue?
From Lover (sorry):
1) sebenernya gue udah lama suka sama lo,lo mau jadi cewe gue nggak?
2) soalnya gue emang bener sayang sama lo net
3) aku suka sama km net, malah sayang, dan aku ga bakal nyesel. km mau jd pacar aku ga?
5) gue tembak nih yaa. janet, lo mau ga jadi cewe gue?
From Dimas KOI:
1) Janet jelek, oon, dll
2) Janet cantik dan membuat saya tergila-gila hahaha
3) iya janet, gua minta maaf gua janji ga bakal gitu lagi, tp lo jg janji lo jgn.......
From Adji:
1) so he's eliminated?
2) oh so, he's eliminated too?
3) so the winner is......... (is him, Dji)
From Anitha:
1) iya net dia panik gitu
2) haha aduh iya "......." dia tuh kea bilang "........."
3) yah nanti kamu mesti cerita yaa
From Tio:
1) janet orang gila
From Audy:
1) yah dia mah nggak pernah kosong hahaha
From Sye:
----kita harus rela ngelia dia bahagia walaupun bukan sama kita (y)
If you finally know
and don't ever ever go
cause i'll wake up
and look beside me
remembering your voice that sent me to dream
i'm about asking myself
did you lay here beside?
did you hold me tight?
did we adore the night?
i love you so much more than this
i wish that we have made promises which can never fade
and i was like a fool finding devotion
and now i am just looking at my affection
and you are my addiction
stay like this, just like we are
and i will never change a thing
i will walk beside you
stay with me, and kiss me
and so i will believe that love is exist
call me everyday and every night
and i won't worry about life
thanks you for this lovely lil things
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
When you dont know what it is
And trying to send myself to the sky
I need to close my eyes down tight
But all i see is your face
When you smiled at me
When you laughed at our jokes
My brain plays the video when we were there
At the rooftop and admiring the stars
I told you something i've never told
Maybe the words sounded complex to your ears
I was being so honest to you
So do i have to tell you one more time?
And the time will just stop to prevent the end
That i miss you
I miss you
I miss you
I miss you
Tell me i'm yours to be true
Tell me this has no end
Now the spring starts
Let's spend our time together
(just the way we want)
I love this lovely little things
In the night we talked
In the night we spent
When nightfall bothered my eyes
When i wanted to cry
You soothed me and called my name
Your voice covers me with serene
You told me you would keep me save
Can i say those words?
I love you........
I love you so much
I'll be here beside you
I'll walk with you and fight for glory
We'll sing our song, pray and shout Hallelujah
So here we are standing face to face with hands-in-hands
We kiss.............
We kiss.............
And tell me that words ain't a lie
And turn my day to that night
So do you love me to death?
Don't ever go
If you really wanna know and if you feel this feeling i never knew before
Call my name again tonight
Random things about Me
- I love my Alpha Omega Jesus Christ
- I love my whole family esp. Mom Dad Joan Josi
- I love my friends, nannies, etc
- I eat Yupi a lot, 1 jumbo sachet? 5 minutes? Um... less
- Love ice-cream a lot, esp. Vanilla
- I sometimes not-to-serious in talking
- sometimes evil
- Premature Baby
- Lovelife? So pity
- I love.....
- I often hanging on the phone for many hours with friends, for now, hm i often otp with Maya and Dimas
- I hate copycat
- I'm tall enough and i'm on my diet to join......
- okay okay, dmsholic 001 -_-
- Fashion!!!! i love this word
- A lil bit rude and talkative
- Like to post and pose
- I confess that i starting falling in love
- iDescribe Facebook!!! rated as Friendly, Cute, Kind, Sweet, Stylish and the others: happy, cheerful, helful, funny, creative, honest, clever, attractive, loving, warm, able, confident, romantic, patient, energetic, realsitic, trustworthy, extroverted, relaxed, blod, adaptable, logical, independent, proud :)) thanks everyone. Find me in FACEBOOK!
- I love pink,red, brown
- i'm sick of a faker!
- i love to mess around
- don't like to treat friends bad
- i rarely use branded things
- afraid of blood and clown :pp
,bye guys
--Janet (taken from old diary)
i laughed and wanna cried
it was so touchy when you read your remember-whens
oh my!!! it opened my eyes and it was like i was blinded for all time (SIGH). and i also read my diary page when i was still with my ex. HAHA, it's a lil bit touchy and it triggered my doldrums.
BUT, i can get along with that, easily. i didn't know why. let me talk about lovelife, don't tell me that i'm too crazy about love, okay? It's like this.....
I rarely let boys down, it's my personal confession, because i learn how karma revolves and how truth hardly opens our eyes. That Quote upqrd is true! YEAH, maybe just for me. And now, bloggers and reader, i was just hit by my crush :p
New York Fashion Week: Celebrating Barbie's 50th Bday
I watched TV and i saw that New York Fashion Week celebrated Barbie's 50th Birthday :))
So Cool, so Barbie, and i know you'll like it!!!











Maybe you know, maybe you don’t, but Ken and I have been on a little break since 1994. (Okay, I guess that counts as a long-ish break.) But it seems he’s never quite gotten over me. And you know what? I haven’t really gotten over him either. This Valentine's, I think we’re giving it another shot.
That’s right; it’s official: My boyfriend’s back!
Fashion will always be my one true love, but with Ken on my arm, I know I’ll always look good.
Love is in the air,