Tuesday, November 16, 2010

how funny.

  • The world turns upside down when my things fall apart
YES! funny how i don't realize that things are gradually changing. and the most idiot thing is when i keep hoping that somehow things will come back to normal. the reason why i hate changes is the fact that i hardly adapt to new things, new people, and new atmosphere.

  • Why r you being so sensitive?
And you're being so sensitive lately. did i do something wrong? did i piss you off too bad? cause i feel like a fool, begging you forgiveness without knowing what i did wrong. are you ignoring me? are you avoiding me? then tell me what's up with you dude!?

  • Shit happens. Different day. Same shit and another shit.
Tell me you're not enjoying this pain. if it's seeing me in pain that entertains you let me know. why? oh why!? this isn't being hyperbole, this is more like being furious about someone. shit happens and i don't know how to handle my world. i'm losing things, can you imagine?

  • Too many lessons. 100Kilos pressure on my back.
Too many things i've to learn. Too many things i've to do. School tasks. managing things. and about you. i put the things i like aside. and made you a priority. you know, i've sacrificed my time to think about you and even your school task. i put my stuffs aside. okay. and the lesson i got from here: don't make someone your priority, you're may be just an option. YES i am. you know what i mean!

Boiling points: 10000 celcius degrees.

camera freak

By: MAYA MARTHA (@maya_martha)
Models: Janet Abigail and Ezra Goldameir

Friday, August 27, 2010

My Motos \m/

I know, we're all living with masks on our face. Hypocrites. And haters.

My motos are taken from: Xtina's Beautiful and BLG's The Great Escape

"I am beautiful no matter what they say
Words can't bring me down
I am beautiful in every single way
Yes, words can't bring me down
So don't you bring me down today"
- Christina Aguilera

"Throw it away
Forget yesterday
We'll make the great escape
We won't hear a word they say
They don't know us anyway
Watch it burn
Let it die
Cause we are finally free tonight"
-Boys Like Girls

Well seriously. I don't really care. Just saying to you people, haters are never gone. But i won't let them stop my step! We all need haters, those who motivate rudely by making gossips of you, or stabbing your back. True friends are there, but we just don't see it. Hell yeah.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

She came and said "Hello"

i have changed. yes. i have. but still i had to go through that bad day. Great! a very bad day. all i do is just keeping my eyes on everything so that i don't have to be there again.

  • I'm just afraid to lose you
  • I'm not ready
  • I'm really afraid to suffer a loss
  • I'm not ok
As we know, love-stories never end! It's always about how it works, how it goes, what's new and what's left behind.

.....how we sit next to each other and fly our mind to the future

.....how i wish that someday we could go to Eiffel tower
.....then making pinky promises
.....sitting at the closest coffee shop
.....telling things we never tell

......all the silly things we've done
.....all the things we laughed about
......all the pain we've left behind
.....all the things that remind us of each other
.....all the memories that will probably last forever

......about how we dream about our future
......about how we talk about something old
.....about how we argue, discuss and share
.....about how this pic means a lot

......and it's goodbye that i really hate the most
.....cause i really need you here
....it's when you say I Love You
....and i reply I love you too.

PS: Problems go away. Don't come back. At least for this. Thanks.

Friday, July 30, 2010

A dead man was looking for her

Model: Janet Abigail
Photographed by MAYA MARTHA
Venue: Maya's room

Friday, June 25, 2010

A post from all teens


young. self-inquiry. urban nite life. midnight-dawn walk. dance floor. new friend. sexy chicks. hot hunks.
nice car. liquor shots. cigarette burn. money. branded clothes. cool style. popularity. school tasks. college.
love story
.and stuffs.

Been hearing all of these for times. Yes. Since then, things written above sound usual. But for some people, some of them are still surprising. And it's weird when a girl is often judged bitchy or naughty because of her sense of style, wearing mini skirts or showing too much skin. And i'm too dead bored listening to all bullshits that old people often say.

It's not fair, when someone gets ignored or excommunicated since they're having not a good behavior, their way of talking and their way of associating is considered wrong or crossing the limit.

::Sementara menurut gue apapun yang kita lakuin, emang keputusan dan suara hati paling keras lah yang menang. Mbak Tika bilang apapun yang kita lakuin itu dipertanggungjawabin sama Yang Di Atas, bukan hukuman dari masyarakat sekitar ato relasi2 terdekat. Senakal apa remaja, sesembrono apa remaja, semena-mena apa remaja, segimana pun mereka....

Gue remaja, gue growing up! Gue cari jati diri gue, yaa bukan bentukan orang tua gue. Mereka punya mau dan mimpi, tapi menurut gue, setiap individu punya minat dan tujuan hidup nya masing-masing. Dan seringkali orang tua (saking lebay sayangnya) ga bisa SADAR dan ga RELA kalo anaknya ternyata udah besar dan butuh space untuk privacy nya. *No offense*. In the end, semuanya bkl ada di tangan kita, apapun yang kita pilih pasti punya resiko sama konsekuensi, tugas para petua.. adalah menasehati, memberi buah pikiran, mendukung dan mendoakan yang terbaik. Bukan memaksa. Masalah future, sukses apa engga, jodoh, seneng apa engga. Who knows. Bedanya, jodoh itu masalah hati yang ditakdirin. Hahaha.. Apapun nantinya gue, gue berharap semua yang terbaik, ini 2010, mungkin di 2020 nanti gue bkl lebih dr ini, atau mungkin masih begini. Ya berdoa aja semuanya bakal lebih asik.

Sekarang, gue bersyukur dengan temen2 gue, lingkungan gue sama hmmm pacar gue hahahaa..
Nilai gue bagus biarpun ada bbrp hal yg blm bs gue capai dan bbrp mslh yg blm gue dpt titik temunya.

Dan semoga semakin gue dewasa, biarpun hidup tambah keras, tp semoga gue makin lihai ngejalaninnya. Ikhlas, tabah dan orang-orang penting ini bakal selalu ada disamping gue. AAAA lega yaudah deh byee

Monday, June 21, 2010

Uncertainty and this world

Well, i hate to post this. Pdhl gw belom smpt ngepost ttg surprise nya dvr.

Uncertainty. Google it yourself, haha ga deng. Ketidakpastian.

It kills you slowly while you're holding on.
It makes you think twice to spend forever loving them
It scares you, all the time.

Ngedenger hal itu, ngebuat gue mikir terus, think over and over. Will this lasts? Will you make it? Will we survive? God! This thought is killing me. High school is getting closer each day, gue takut semuanya berubah...... Berubah jauh dari ini. Gue tau persis yg gue rasain disini, bukan "rasa saat ini" tapi "rasa yang ngga pernah berubah".

If "you" read this, if you want to know, i'm scared of everything. Now. I'm like going blind. I can't see what's ahead and i can't seem to take the risk for more. I'm scared of goodbyes and broken-heart.

This world is cruel.
I have promised you smthg, but for some reason, gue ga bs tepatin. And well, it's not my fault. Jump to another case, let's kill the old time, this is 2010! I'm not a little girl anymore.

This world is cruel.
This post is true.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

The truth is...

And i want to hear this, someday:

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Vierra - Bersamamu (Covering 4 Dvr's bday)

Video ini direcord tepat hari ini, siang ini.
.9 Juni '10.

Gue udh coba ngupload di FB dr jam 4 sore, berkali-kali tp failed mulu, sampe akhirnya gue beralih ke Blog hehee.. mayan lah:P

Gue dateng siang-siang naik motor ke sektor 4, smntr rumah gue di Serpong Bintaro. Gue sampe masuk angin bray -_- makasih untuk Anisa Destina yang udh ngijinin gue buat ngerekam video di kamarnya, dan Nadia Maulida yang udah mau beberapa kali ngulang take lagu ini.

Video cover ini emg ga perfect dan bagus-bagus banget, tapi yang penting kan niat nya. Suara gue adanya segitu sih wakakaak. Bayangin gue setia online drtd cm buat ngupload ini tepat di tgl 9 Juni 10. Kegagalan yg gue dpt, dr failed, disconnected and so on emg jengkelin bgt. Tp usaha gue ga mungkin stop!

Devara mungkin belom liat semua greetings, semua video dan semua hal-hal yg gue blow up ke dunia maya. Tapi yaa at least, dia bkl tau belakangan, as a surprise. Bsk dia bakal pulang dr Singapore, jam 10 malem +/- sampe disini. I hope everything's fine and i'll see him soon. VERY soon =)

Ok, tgl 9 hampir berakhir, last, happy birthday Devara! Wish u all the best
-Labrador 479


Because no matter what happens, i'll always be there for you
No matter what lies ahead, i'll stay the same
No matter how old we'd get in time, i'll still love you
No matter how ugly the truth is going to be, i'll always be yours
No matter what people say, i'll still believe in fate
No matter how bad our days are, i'll still be your mood-booster

I'll be 24-hours available

When you need affection and attention
When you need a listener and a crying shoulder

As long as you want me to...

You're older now, and i wish you all the very best
Have a nice ride. Enjoy your life
Treasure each moment you spend with your family, friends and me =)


Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Old dude Dev


Akhirnya, gue udah ngantuk2 nunggu jam 12, sempet juga :D:D
Semoga lo terhibur sama video2 dibawah ya, and i've text u ke hp mama mu.
Good night ya! Love u

Happy Birthday my Devara II

This is another video :P
For you, Devara Putra Aryasta!
Gue ga tau ngontact lo lewat mana :( nelfon ke mama mu ga enak, tp hp km mati. Bbm kak cal juga mati

I hope you'll like this video, pig! I've made 3 videos for you. Hope you'll love it

Happy Birthday my Devara :D

Hey goodnight everybody! I made this video just a moment ago from my sister's blackberry!!

Well, sbnrnya Devara bsk ultah nya 9 Juni!!! Tp yah gapapa lah, dia di spore, gue mau jadi yg "kecepetan" ngucapin hoho. Cepet pulang ya dev, aku kangen sama kamu bgt :-(

I LOVE YOU Dev, 4ever 7o9ether!!!!

Monday, June 7, 2010

The strongest element in the world

Hey everybody! I spent my day in kak iren's house.. with fira riri bebby and kak ami.. What i'm going to write here is not quite different from my older posts.. I talked a lot, i shared a lot about my lovelife with kak ami and return, she shared so much about hers. And i was surprised and i found that we have a lot of similarity.. we're as tough as weak as everything we are. Okay lah let's start.

Gue sama Kak Ami kan curhat2, sementara kak Iren bobo, Fira di dalem futu2 hahaha tulul. So i was there when she told how she fought the pain she never thought she'd get.. Dan ternyata banyak kesamaan yang gue temuin. kita sama-sama pernah rasain sakit dan ga enak nya di boongin, dimana posisinya ga ada yg bisa dilakuin lagi.

You know why i titled this post "The strongest element in the world"?
If you see, the brain takes control of everything inside of our body, even the beat of our heart. When your heart falls in love, then it can be made sure that your brain will lose its authority to take control of your heart..

Otak bisa buat bibir lo boong, tapi otak ga akan pernah bisa buat hati lo berpurapura ato boong.

Org2 bisa maksa lo utk ngelakuin hal yg lo lakuin, mungkin when your argument's weaker and you lose, lo ngelakuin jg ga tulus. Contoh gampang bukan. Sama kayak waktu pilihan lo dlm hal apapun ga disetujui sama orang tua, yg seharusnya mensupport lo dan bisa jd temen. NO OFFENSE ya. something happened to me. yak lanjut, gue cerita banyak sama kak ami gitu kan, and we stated something, quite rash maybe but it sounded true..

When you love someone, truly, you won't be able to hurt them in return even if they have hurt you so badly. AND you'll find it easier to hurt yourself. Yaa seenggaknya ini yg pernah gue rasa

Begitu kuat nya elemen ini sampe kadang hal-hal kecil pun bisa merubah hidup lo.
Segitu kuatnya cinta, sampe bisa ngebuat lo berani ngadepin apa yang ada di dpn buat perjuangin apa yang mau lo pertahanin.
Segitu berartinya cinta, sampe orang2 munafik yang jijik membaca blog gua pun di dalem lubuk hatinya masih bisa bilang "ini bullshit" tp tetep ngerasain hal yang sama hahahaah, let's try.. Ga bkl jauh2 dr sini. God made it so strong! God modified love with some kind of ultra-dynamic-monstrous-feeling.. Awsum!!! Okay2. I can't deny!

And when you fall in love, no matter what people say, no matter what your brain tries to convince you about, no matter what your parents say, no matter how painful the path you choose is, you'll be as strong as how God has made love to fill humanity with everything cheerful, enchanting and wonderful. Love is not useless.

Thank You, Lord. for showing the way to find love
Friends and family, i know you guys have been in love before, and i hopelessly try to ask for SUPPORT, i don't wanna be pressured anymore. Thank you.

(This bride was praying, hoping that everything would be alright and her marriage would last forever. As how every girlfriend wants to have the best things in their lovelife with no one annoys)

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Happy 11th Month, Dev

Today's 4th of June and this is the day when we finally reached our 11th month

Happy 11th month, Dev!

Thank you for:
  • Making me feel loved
  • Doing silly things to make me laugh
  • Staring me dead in the eyes to make me smile
  • Always make me feel right
  • Making me feel wrong and leaving a lot to learn
  • Telling things that every girl would love to hear
  • Showing new things in such a rocking way
  • Calling me your wife
  • All the pain you've helped me to bear
  • All the sweet times you've let me in
  • All the rides
  • All the sleepless nights
  • All the hard nights you've spent thinking to relieve my pain

  • All the mornings
  • Cheering me up in such a funny way
  • Giving a lot to memorize
  • Making me strong enough to walk through everything
  • Holding my hand when i'm scared
  • ...being a lot like me =)
  • Getting along with all my life.
Thank you, you make this all worth the fighting, the waiting, and the price i pay is worth the memories

Sorry for:
  • The times i turned my back on you
  • The mess i made that let you down
  • Words i haven't said to you
  • Things i've done to you
  • Things i haven't done to you
  • All the wrongs i made
  • The hells i've put you through
  • The song i haven't sung to you yet
  • Being imperfect for every situation
  • Making some situations harder for you
  • The pain i made
  • The things i shouldn't say to you
  • The time you spent trying to be a better man
  • All the times you spent driving me home
  • Not being there when you need me mostly
  • ...making you feel bad when i should've been your mood-maker
  • Sorry for doing things i shouldn't do

Awet ya Devo! Me love u!!! <3


"Banyak pilihan dalem hidup, tapi apapun yang udah lo pilih, itulah yang takdir mau."

Waktu lo milih jalan buat ngeraih mimpi-mimpi lo, pasti lo bakal ikhlas buat jalanin, bakal enjoy jalanin pilihan lo itu. Beda waktu orang deket lo maksa-maksa buat milih yang bukan pilihan lo. Ngejalaninnya juga pasti bakal beda. Setengah hati. Mungkin lo ikhlas, but you're going to realize then, i'm taking the risk that should've not found here, and i didn't want this. I don't want this. I hate this, or stuffs like that.. 2 hal yg sering dipusingin, hidup sm lagi-lagi cinta, hahaa as always. IF you could find anything beside those two things, i'd be happy to know..

Banyak jalan menuju Roma, tp cuma beberapa jalan yang selamat ye.. Hahaha jayush. Banyak hal yg mesti di pilih, tapi emang makin kesini, makin tua, lo mesti bisa milih dan belajar tanggung jawab sama pilihan lo. Lo juga mesti bs perhitungin apa yg hrs lo lakuin apa yg engga. Belajar memilih ya....belajar

Banyak jalan untuk menemukan cinta. Tp pilihan itu cuma ada 1.. Hahaha ya buat gue, kl buat player-player di luar sana sih pilihan itu disaring segimanapun tetep ujungnya banyak. Gakdeng, org2 blg NO, tp hati lo!!! Hati lo ngerasain.

Udah ah bete gue, dilema asli.Byee

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

The start of June 2010

(I captured this pic from http://www.cameroid.com and posed sweetly :P)

Hey, it's the 1st day in June. And let's start this month with a good praying!!!
Semoga dibulan ini, semuanya jadi lebih baik ya, begitu juga semoga insipirasi blogging gue kenceng ahahaha. Semoga kalian dpt semua yg terbaik, dan makin sering visit kesini.

Everything will be fine and gets better in time. I'll be the same through the time, my Devara!!
Be a good friend. Be a good girlfriend. Be a good stranger. But this is all i am as a DAUGHTER. Like it or not, this is Janet Abigail.

"I always wonder why love makes us stronger even it's the same place it makes us dying. And i always wonder why can't old people see what teenage love looks like, how does it feel, and why can't we leave it. Please, someone's gotta expound a lot of these. Fate has chosen its plot, and i hope this was forever. I always hope for the best and afraid of losing what i've got is always haunting. There's a lot of you who wouldn't know me, that much. And i hope that this will help. I'm pretty bad at English, i don't understand grammar LOL. I'm good at loving and being a good friend. But it depends on YOU. It's a pretty fun thing to share my time with my boyfriend and friends. I don't really enjoy being at home, that's what my dad and mom should have known. I'm a teen who's growing up, waaay older.

And i've learned about being in a relationship, having someone you'd like to keep forever, staying up late thinking about old days and tomorrows, laughing about something silly, dreaming about someone each and every day, falling in love with the same person each day, losing your arguments and statements, and well, a lot of things are hard to explain. It's like the entire world changes differently and you can do nothing, you can't help. Memories keeping you holding on. I've been in love for 11 months with a guy named Devara. Wish me a long-lasting relationship!! This 4th of June, we'll be having our 11th month. Oh almost forgot, my NEM for the National Examination was 36,75 and i'd like to enroll in 70 SHS. Wish me all the best, readers

When it's boring i'll be trying to find an escape, maybe watching movies and day-dreaming LOL
When i'm not in the mood, i'll be spamming Twitter timeline, as always!(‎​◦ˇ зˇ)

That's all for today, have a nice June

Sunday, May 30, 2010

He came and made some changes

1. I used to wake up alone, with the alarms ringing out loud. But now he wakes me up with a phonecall each morning

2. I used to cry myself to sleep, but now i pray and smile before i sleep.

3. I used to be unfriendly, but now my heart is filled with joy that i am now smiling a lot, because of you.

4. I used to hate monday, but now i thank every Monday that will surely bring me to Saturday

5. I used to hate myself, for being the most unworthy teenage girl in town. But your presence changed my way of thinking

6. I used to forget anything in a blink, but now i remember A LOT :)

7. I used to be lonely, but now, even when i'm alone i always know that he's always there

8. I used to hate love, but then i just realized that every love has its own good and everyone needs love

9. I used to be anti-social, but ever since you came, i feel better each time i look back to my past :D

10. I used to live in a monochrome TV screen and voiceless. But now, i sing a lot in every colorful day

11. I used to fake a smile to start a day. But now, i smile each time i wake up remembering that i'll spend each day with you

12. I used to be a dreamer, but you woke me up and you keep me up, every single night :)

13. I used to keep questioning about life and world. But now it's all clear that we do need somebody :D

14. I used to walk with my head down. Now with you holding my hand, i keep my head up with a smile on it

15. I used to moan when my heart hurt. Nowadays, i don't have to suffer alone. Your presence means a lot

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Somebody, someone like you

I want somebody to love

I want somebody who takes care when i'm sick

I want somebody who smiles at me after he stares

I want somebody who shows the world in a better way

I want somebody who talks wisely when i need to learn more about the world

I want somebody who tell his secrets, the secrets he never shared before

I want somebody who puts me first in everything he does, in everyday

I want somebody who wants me around

I want somebody who drives me home like you

I want somebody who tells me that he loves me, everyday

I want somebody who makes everything feels okay

I want somebody who calls when something seems wrong

I want somebody who tweets something pleasant about me

I want someone like you

Thursday, May 27, 2010

apa yang saya ketahui tentang cinta

Sesuai judul, gue mau nulis perspektif gue tentang cinta. Hahahaha hal yang biasanya mendewai hati remaja, disaat sepi galau dan senang.

Sebenernya gue juga kurang bener ngerti, cinta tuh apa. Tapi yang gue tau, itu yang gue rasain. Cinta itu rasa yang ga bisa diatur, dikendaliin sama diberentiin paksa.Cinta itu buatan Yang Agung, untuk dinikmati, dibagi, disebarkan, dan dirasakan. Banyak yang mengataskan nama cinta untuk melakukan hal yang merugikan banyak orang. Tapi gue, gue ngatas namain cinta untuk mencapai apa yang gue mimpiin, hidup bahagia dimasa nya nanti. Gue rasa lo semua juga.

Disini, gue nggak bicara umur. Setiap orang, dengan umur yang berbeda, kapasitas berpikir dan jangkuan pola pikir yang berbeda bisa punya opini yang juga berbeda. Jadi jangan salahin gue, kalo ini ga sejalan sama kalian, karena belom tentu ini sama kaya pikiran kalian. Thanks for ur understanding, anyway

Waktu lo pikir lo jatuh cinta, mungkin lo salah, lo cuma jatuh hati sama seseorang karena parasnya, karena lucunya, karena baiknya, karena lo kangen ada yang meratiin, karena lo capek sendiri, karena duitnya, karena faktor faktor lain yang lo harepin bisa lo dapetin.

Tapi, beda, disaat lo bener-bener yakin itu cinta. Waktu lo bener-bener nggak bisa lepasin ketergantungan mood lo dari dia, waktu lo ga bisa jelasin apa yang lo rasain, waktu lo ga bisa kontrol emosi lo, waktu lo sendiri ngerasa takut kehilangan orang yang bukan milik lo sepenuhnya, waktu lo bisa berpikir tentang hal-hal yang seharusnya belom lo pikirin, waktu lo bisa ngelakuin hal yang lo pikir ga bisa lo lakuin, dan banyak lagi rasa yang aneh yang ga bisa lo jelasin di Twitter ato Blogspot.

Karena ini yang gue rasain sekarang. Seorang cowo yang nyata ada di hidup gue sekarang, yang hampir 1 tahun ngisi hari-hari gua, dan ga ada abisnya gue bicarain.

Gue banyak belajar tentang hal ini. Hahaha hal-hal yang ngebuat gue tersenyum waktu hal-hal konyol ga lagi lucu buat gue. Dan sementara, hal-hal yang biasa bisa ngerusak mood gue dengan gitu jitu nya. Itu yang gue pertanyakan, kenapa cinta segitu mudahnya mengambil bagian penting di hidup gua. Gua ga pernah minta untuk jatuh cinta, tapi nyatanya, inilah gua dengan semua yang bisa gua share. Cinta itu salah satu dari takdir, look beside and see the one you've got that heaven has sent you from above, mereka lah yang dikirim dan digarisini buat ada sama lo sekarang, APAPUN kata orang-orang, entah kalian nggak cocok, dia begini begitu, kalian begini begitu, kalian ga bisa bersatu karena faktor mungkin keluarga. Tapi cinta itu butuh pengorbanan dan bukti. Perjuangin apa yang ada. Lakuin sebisa lo. Sampe dia bisa liat, kalo lo WORTH FIGHTING FOR, kalo lo pantes di perjuangin dan dipertahankan. Siapa bilang cinta itu mudah, cinta datang dengan segenap pertimbangan yang ga lo kira, dan menguras hati dan duit hahahaha. Untungnya gue ga matre -_- hayo yg matre jgn kesindir yaa.

Seandainya nanti "lo" baca, semoga lo bisa rasain yang gue rasain, semoga kita ngerasain hal yang sama, rencana-rencana masa depan kita, rencana-rencana konyol yang kita buat, hahaha semoga ada buktinya.

Dan pesen gue untuk kalian, para remaja haahaah, jangan capek untuk mencintai orang yang ada disamping lo, atau ada jauh di depan sana. Jangan capek untuk ngejar dan nunjukin kalo dia dicintai, setiap harinya. Jangan pernah meminta balik, sebelum lo jadi orang yang patut dicintai :)

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

10 wishes from thousands

1. I wish i could freeze the time when you're around

2. I wish i could make you stay forever like there was nothing better

3. I wish i could spend a night to sleep beside you on the front seat of your car.

4. I wish you could share your blanket and your bed, we could only lay along time, laugh at each other and rest.

5. I wish i could find a better thing to explain to you. To make this easier for you

6. I wish you'd stay the same, no matter what

7. I wish i could find you a love that lasts.

8. I wish i could make you feel different......

9. I wish you read every tweet i've tweeted for you

10. I wish i knew how to tweet thousands of reason much more better than this......



Udah takdirnya gue mesti jadi Janet. Takdirnya gue punya bokap nyokap lebay. Takdirnya gue berbadan semok ga kaya Megan Fox. Takdirnya gue begini begitu. And you know what, imma do what i do and WHETHER you like it or not. Ga ada yang bisa rubah gue, apa yang ada di gue, apa yang gue mau dan apa yang hati gue bilang. And what you people need to know, even if i'm not that good girl, i never want to involve anybody, i just wanna be me, namanya juga remaja haaha gue cuma mau nemuin jati diri, sah ilaaah. Bkn masalah bad influence atau apalah itu, tapi masalah gue mau jadi kayak gimana.

Cara main gue yaa biasa, selayaknya 2010 hahaha. Gausah pada muna lah disini. Gue ga risihin lo pada asal kita main fair, gue di ladang gue, lo di ladang lo.

Again and again, takdir, kata nyokap gue, lahir hidup mati udah ada yang atur. Berarti.... apapun yang gue punya sekarang itu juga udah di atur. Apa yang udah gue lewatin juga udah diatur. Gue sama temen-temen gue, udah di atur. Gue sama Devara juga udah diatur dong, orang-orang yang nentang.... ya ngelawan takdir lah itungannya, NO OFFENSE. Gue kaya gini, udah di atur juga, kalo mau rubah gue.... yaa don't mess with me, mess with my Maker. God has done a lot for me, i've done nothing to please Him, i'm just a sinner, but thank for everything God :-)

NO OFFENSE. This post untuk.... ya beberapa orang yang semoga aja suatu saat bisa ngrti. Bye all. Gonna type something here, soon :D

Monday, May 24, 2010

Why so hard to forget

When we sleep like this and when reality can't wake us up
I feel like having the best sleep ever
When i open my eyes and turn around, i see you laying still beside me

When we hug like this, i know that i'm holding someone who's worth fight for
And that's the best part in life that sometimes you don't realize

When we spend our time, singing our song and you playing the guitar
I can't sing but when you're around, i just can....

Remember when we stood in the center of the crowd,
We ignored what they did.....
We ignored what they say

Remember when we drove somewhere, anywhere by your motorcycle
We got no conversation, all we got is silence but with the golden smiles in our faces

Remember those silly faces we captured
Remember those silly moments we've shared together
The times when we laughed at each other
When we couldn't hide how happy we were

So tell me, will you grow old with me?

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Reasons why she's worth it

Watch and learn dude.. You know, girls are unreadable, they sometimes hide their feeling to avoid worse conditions. and they often lie to you guys. Like when she says she's okay maybe she's just really not, and hoping that you'd come to her and ask her in a sweeter way i don't know. But if you have someone you love sooo much and you think you've been dong her wrong. Maybe this will help. I hope so.

1. she stayed awake to be someone to talk with while you drove along those empty road at 3 A.M

2. remember how she smiled after you yelled at her with bad words? wasn't she still pretty with the tears on her eyes?

3. she made your life worth while, the fight, the tears, and the violence

4. she keeps being nice, no matter how you've been. even when you cheated behind her back..

5. she cleaned your sweat on the forehead. with her own hand when other girls grinned and said "yuck!!!"

6. she always hug you gently, related to the fact that she doens't want to hurt you

7. she made your sister's English speech note. she made your brother's writing homework

8. she always bear the pain you cause, alone. even though you ever said that she'd never be alone

9. she loves you more every after her downpour tears, when you break your promise

10. and she STAYS the same, even you KEEP breaking her heart. isn't that enough?

11. she wants forever, even she have seen how you worked it out, it's like you don't wanna be forever

12. bcs she never forgets to say goodnight and wishing you a ight sleep

13. she puts you first, all she know is that you're worth it. how about you dude? do you put her first?

14. she dresses like what you've told her to. she changed to what you'd like her to become

15. The last, bcs she completely let you in, FOR FREE. without any terms and conditions.


16. she has been tweeting a lot about you to make you realize

17. she's been trying too hard to be the best for you

18. she treats you motherly. and if you see, she never makes you feel ignored or something worse

19. she keeps telling you the same thing.

20. she's always there to comfort you, even not for every hour in your day. she's open

21. you're always good in her eyes, no matter how bad you are in other people's sight of seeing.

Once you waste them you'll lose the chance to be the luckiest guy ever.

Think over, dude.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Reasons why i'm staying for you

1. Because i can't let go what we've shared together

2. Because everyday will be different without you, no text, no phone call, no smile

3. Because forgetting you is something i never learned to do

4. You're like my favorite hours in 24 hours.

5. Because you're making me feel like i was born to be perfect for someone

6. Because you're where i've set my life living in

7. Because it hurts thinking to go through days without you anymore

8. Because my sisters love you and wish they had a brother like you

9. Because you're the one who keeps me up at night and wakes me up in the morning

10. Because i can't seem to think about anything else beside you

11. At least, remember me, don't forget my presence.... and stay...........

Am i asking so much from you? Remember me and stay

dear, Devara Putra Aryasta
4th July 09 - Future