“….you don’t have to speak any word!! I rule here. And um…. It’s fun to be like Lily Allen. I’d try to ignore every bad things that come out from some people who are not even better than me. Try it! You’ll be more confident. You’re not them. They’re not you. You’re different. Live your life”
“Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life. Don’t be trapped by dogma which is living with the results of other people’s thinking. Don’t let the noise of other’s opinions drown out your inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart ad intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.” –Steve Jobs!!!
He’s absolutely right! You have your rights. So why do you have to live your life depending on other people’s rules? Other people’s suckish talks? Hey, believe me, if they call you naughty, dirty, bitchy, just because of your poverty, your style of talking, and the way you act. I guess they don’t even know you more deeper than your closest buddies. Behind my back, in-front of me either, there’re a lot of people sayin’ something I wish I’d never hear, my bad habits, or anything related to it, they keep mocking and talking BLABLABLA, but I’ve always wondered, ALWAYS, are those people better than me? Are those people loved? For God’s sakes, they are big-mouthed. I hate when people start to lose their mind and become uncontrollable to others, like they rule those innocent people’s life. What d hell are ya thinking? I never get in to something I don’t know well, even my best friend’s life, maybe I COULD give em suggestion, but not trying to change them from what they’ve BECOME, what they’ve CHOSEN to live this life. I’ll keep em away from falling, but not trying to brainwash them.
Just think, WHAT IF, they’re sick of what you’ve done? Shut up and think!!
Adult and kids are the same. We still need those people to become better, but keep them away from your zone.
My friend, Anggo, he said “Life is about choices.”
Guess he’s right.
O’ I almost forgot, there’s an excuse for people who don’t treasure their own life. They ruin their life by destructing their-selves with unimportant things. And… people who don’t respect other people’s right, other people’s choice, other people’s life. They’re not my type.
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