helooooooooooooooo semua
yang itu
dan semua apa kbr? heheeee gue udh lama ngga ngepost niiiih guys.
you know what, gue dr 2hari yg lalu makan dikiiiit dong eea ENEK gue (apalagi kalo ngeliat muka si tenyom). hm...... terus ye begitulah gue ngebaca baca mulu itu, secara gue printtt! and um...... tololnya i could possibly cry until i slept.... so coooooooool. gilak puas deh gue mikirin elu ye. pusing gueeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
"one more time to say. i love you always"
the used - find a way
"even if saving you sends me to heaven"
red jumpsuit apparatus - your guardian angel
"dearest love i hope, this message finds you well"
alesana - seduction
RECOMMENDED!!!! gue dengerinnya pas bete doooong eaaa so cooooool
sekitar 1 menit yg lalu, gue baruuu aja ngebuang gantungan kunci ke tong sampah, td nya sih mau gue kasih ke SI TENYOM hauhuah ada tulisannya gitu deh 3068. eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeew JIJIIIIIIIIIIIIIIK
tadi pagi gue dtg ke sekolah buat ngedekor graha haha buat acara gitu dehhh. acara natal dong tp gue balik cepet soalnya gue mau ke acara angkatan yeaaah. wait wait, it's kinda too fast kalo gue langsung cerita hari ini, kmrn.......................
OIYA SI ANAK MAMI! hahah dia ngadu ke nyokap nya, aduannya kaga bener dahhhh,. aduh muna ya pdhl dia jg buka buku, ngaca dong looooo. katanya ga takut sm gue, mana cuy sini? hm. well just cut it off gue gamau mslhan, terlalu sibuk nih gueeee ea. and i think that doom is keeping their eyes on me..... makin ancur aja gue, seteeeereeeees bangettt huahuahau. gara2 ya you know lah about regret always comes late. salah bgt gue ya ternyata, yahhhh nasi udah jadi bubur. and um...... ehiya i've got a new brother lohhh ga penting sih tp gapapa buat menuhin yeah.
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