Thursday, May 26, 2011

How's life?

First of all,
Happy Birthday to my dear, Mas Bayu 'Ekoy' Demas
Wish you all d best big brotha XOXO

good news. ulangan biology gue luckily nilainya 80. PKN simpang siur tp keaknya diatas standard kelulusan (amin). Life has its ups and downs, just like roller coaster. And well,sometimes we just can't enjoy it the way we enjoy riding a roller coaster.. Idk why. To the point aja, gue skrg lg final test week! Doain ya semoga nilai-nilai gue bagus. Pengen masuk kelas Sosial :P wiwiwiw doaain! Liburan nanti pgn gue abisin sama temen2 jgg! Aahh ga sabar pokoknyaa. Wish me luck buddies!

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