Saturday, May 28, 2011







*Instax Blue&Pink 7s
-860rb blm termasuk
-975rb udh trmasuk 1 pack

*Instax White&Choco 7s
-1,1jt rb blm trmasuk pack
-1.150rb udh termasuk pack

*Instax HelloKitty White &Choco 7s
-1,500rb blm trmasuk 1 pack
-1,550rb udah termasuk 1 pack
Biasanya 1,7an loohh
blm pake isi pula

*Instax Black Piano 50s
-1,85 jt blm trmasuk 1 pack
-1,950jt udah trmasuk pack
I once checked the price wkt itu 2,2 di store gt

Instax 25s: pencetannya ga ribet dan fokus
Instax 50s, lengkap! ada selftimer. semuanya ada pengaturan

Binder POLOS
Uk.20 90rb
Uk.26 95rb

Binder motif Leopard
Uk 20 hole: 110rb
Uk 26 hole: 115rb

Binder motif zebra:
Uk 20 hole 120rb
Uk 26 hole 125/bludru beda

Binder motif sapi
Uk 20 hole 125rb
Uk 26 hole 130rb

Bahan beda2. Makannya harga beda2.

Aquapix nyaa lucu2 juga ada yg polos, ada yg bermotif, ada yg bergambar =)

The Kids In The Street

Anak jalanan...
Rumah mereka beratapkan langit yang tak berujung
Rumah mereka lebih luas dari kebun raya Bogor
Rumah mereka berada dimana-mana

Yesterday when i was halfway to my house. I saw 2 kids di depan warung makan duduk bersila di pinggir jalan. Makan Indomie yang mungkin buat mereka Spaghetti. Devara sama gue sering lewatin jalan itu kalo pulang bareng, Devara sampe kenal sama anak jalanan yang masih lugu banget, namanya Rio. Rio jualin koran yang harga nya 3 ribu. Koran lama sih kayaknya. Tiap kali gue mau kasih duit makan buat Rio, Devara says no. Soalnya ternyata dari jauh ada yang mantau anak-anak disitu, duit makan yang bakal gue kasih belom tentu bisa dipake Rio buat makan ato sekedar beli minum. Preman nya duduk, ngaso dan ngerokok. Bukannya ngamen ato cari kerja kecil-kecilan. Hina banget menurut gua, memperkerjakan anak yang seharusnya dia bantu. Malu-maluin. Kasus kaya gini pernah gue temuin juga waktu gue pulang sekolah naik kopaja nomor.... 72! Emg ga di kopaja ini aja sih, tp... there was a kid, limbless..dia ga punya kaki. Dan jalannya ngesot. Utk naik dan turun dr bis, dia pun lompat, tanpa kaki. Preman yg udh gue spot dr jauh ikt naik jg, duduk dibelakang dan MAKAN! sementara anak yang (sorry) cacat itu dibiarin ngesot2 minta uang.

Kalo gue orang kaya, kalo gue miliarder, duit gue ga punya nomor seri, pengen banget bisa bantu. Tp realitanya beda, gue cuma pelajar. Sedih sendiri huhu. Gue aja suka ngeluh biarpun hidup gue ga sesusah mereka. Makanan suka ngga abis. Pdhl mungkin mreka butuh sisa makanan gua. Sumpah Indonesia butuh perubahan. Dr bidang pendidikan untuk naikin pendapatan nasional biar kita bisa nanggung org2 yg kaya gitu. MARI BELAJAR KAWAN2! Jd org sukses biar bisa charity!!!

Thursday, May 26, 2011

How's life?

First of all,
Happy Birthday to my dear, Mas Bayu 'Ekoy' Demas
Wish you all d best big brotha XOXO

good news. ulangan biology gue luckily nilainya 80. PKN simpang siur tp keaknya diatas standard kelulusan (amin). Life has its ups and downs, just like roller coaster. And well,sometimes we just can't enjoy it the way we enjoy riding a roller coaster.. Idk why. To the point aja, gue skrg lg final test week! Doain ya semoga nilai-nilai gue bagus. Pengen masuk kelas Sosial :P wiwiwiw doaain! Liburan nanti pgn gue abisin sama temen2 jgg! Aahh ga sabar pokoknyaa. Wish me luck buddies!

Monday, May 23, 2011

Life is easy

Cs no matter where it takes you to
All you have to do is just move forward

Thursday, May 19, 2011

never too young to speak

Go right and left. Fly up and fall down. You know what's the best part of being a teenager?

It's when you go crazy, scream out loud, fool around, make mistakes, do bad things, and try new shit. People will think it's because we're young. And we still need to learn, a lot.

Just don't forget to start your every day with a smile and a flaming hope!

Kids, we are too young to complain about the world, yea i know. But this world is ours to take care. God said so. And it is our job to keep the world green. You can google it yourself how to support the green-ing program!

Kids, we are too young to worry. But if we don't start today, imagine what would your future be?
Thank God for every chance you have. To be sitting in the middle of the class listening to your teacher (tho it's boring). To be sitting in the passenger seat of your old car (tho' it's uncool for some people). To be reading this post (tho' my english's not that good, thank God you still have internet). To be eating breakfast, lunch, dinner plus snacks (tho smtimes they dont taste good). Thank God that you are not handicapped....

Kids, we are too young to think over. Make mistakes. Spread positive energies. Lead the world to somewhere better. Try new things. Make enemies. And turn them into friends.

Kids, and don't be scared to fall for someone you really care about. Don't be afraid to suffer, for it is true that suffering teaches mankind how to handle pain and not to over-think any shit. Never fear to have your heart broken, be happy because there is always someone who will soon taps your back, hugs you and tells you "Everything will be alright. I'm here". Don't be afraid to be the victim of love, bcs "by being closer to your enemy, you are closer to victory. by being able to control your fear, you'll be able to get through the strongest windstorm"

Kids, let's reach the top! We are the next big thing! The next leaders of the world!

Sunday, May 8, 2011

My Bad Temper

Yep. So if i could define bad temper in two words, it would be grumpy and or maybe selfish?

And to be honest with you friends, my temper is very bad and it's not because i'm labile, this is just me. I can hold back my feelings, telling you guys, I CAN. but i can be so sharp at making a statement. I'm not always wrong too, but not always right as well. And if you can't handle me at my worst, than you sure as hell don't deserve me at my BEST. My bad temper has been causing so much damages in relationships between me and friends, family and boyfriend. But here is the thing you people really HAVE to know

Behind this wild side, i do have the delicate, so soft and fragile side that nobody cares about. Nobody. Trust me. Nobody would like to be the blame. Nobody would like to get the impact of my bad temper. Tongue is boneless. And the easiest way to hurt people is by saying something rude. Man, that's easy. But remember, i won't pick up a fight, if you don't trigger me to. I can guarantee you 100%. And due to the fact that i'm a girl, it's clear to see. My hormones also take part. Hahahaha and bitch, really, girls are sensitive, so is me.

Don't date a girl if you sure you can't handle her bad mood

I'm just being real. If you love me, i think, if you love me for who i really fucking am, you won't complain and you won't RUN OUT OF PATIENCE. And if you don't love me, chill, walk away bcs i never asked you too enter my life and be friends and so on. I'm tired of listening.

Now it's time for you to listen

People have problems. And so do i. I can't handle them alone, but somehow i just can't tell everything. There is still something i can't tell my boyfriend, my mom and my dad.( Tho i will never be able to lie to You, God).

Just don't talk to me "that" way, i mean, don't ever even think to talk to me in high-pitched. Treat me as a lady, gentle man. If you are one.
Treat me as a friend.

You bite. I kill. So simple aite? My brain is smart enough to manage an evil plan too. Ok im starting to be toooooo honest hahahaha.

It's normal, the pressures are forcing me to be such a beast i know. But why don't you help me? Why are people complaining? Why don't people understand. Pleaseplease please
I know i've been a bad daughter, boyfriend, friend, classmate, and whatever it is. I'm SORRY. I'm SORRY. But i'm here to ask you people. My people. you-all-know-who. I don't have to mention their names one by one. I am fucking sorry for ever ruining your days and moods. Sorry. Just leave, if you don't wanna get hurt, leave, tell me that i'm not good. EASY. Just don't be such a jerk, blabbering everything i did wrong.

Hereby, i apologize to DVRPUTRA. for all the things i did wrong, for all the days i ruined, and all the troubles i put us thru'. I want you to put me first, or else i'll be putting you the last in my "Who to care about list". That's pretty fair, i think lol (don't take this as a joke). I mean it. I'm trying to make you understand why i've been so grumpy these days. I love you, but i just don't know how not to be me.... sorry. And oh yes, i got hyped almost everytime, when i miss you, when you're nowhere to be found, when i'm alone, when you're being such an ass, when we're in a fight, when everything is ain't like what i wanted it to be. It's very human, my dear. It's just not you but it's so me. And thank God for sending me a guy with patience like him, thanks for sticking with me for like almost 2 years and present ;)